It will let our thoughts escape, and run bare foot in the grass.
Let go.
The world will still be there
when we return.
Serenity: The state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil,
Everyone is born creative. It's a natural state of being, yet most of us repress it at a very early age. We don't learn to be creative, we learn not to. We don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it.
Our school system and society give an inflated value to math and language skills, and very little benefit to the arts. As a result, from an early age we realize that everything we enjoy and are good at has no worth. We are told "you will never get a job doing that." We turn off that part of us and focus on things that might get us a job. Paradoxically, one of the most sought after skills employers are looking for is 'out of the box' thinking or the ability to be creative.
Businesses know that without creativity, we cannot grow and without growth we stagnate. We need to reclaim that natural part of us and open the doors that have been slammed shut. You can regain creative confidence, achieve your dreams and conquer your fears.
Begin your journey by changing your mind.
The first step is stillness.
It will unleash your inner creative, improve your health, give you clarity of thought, and strengthen emotional intelligence.
The Art of Serenity
What inspires you? What gives you a quiet place within? Mine is being in nature. I'm fortunate to live close to some amazing green spaces within this mega city. I visit often to refresh and renew in the sanctuary in my inner space.
What opens your door?
I invite you to submit an image of serenity. I'll post it here, anytime. It's free, so submit a painting, sculpture, textile, ceramic or a photograph.
Please note: I will post your name and contact information.